I remember a famous comedian by the name of Lewis Black saying that Thanksgiving is turning into Christmas part 1. The christmas music starts playing on the radios, the malls are crowding up, and the christmas shows start popping up on the tv. Well for this christmas part 1, many gamers will be satisfied. The game industry knows that the most games are sold during the christmas time and so there is a sudden surge of games coming out into the market. This is great because us game nerds can stay home and enjoy these games because in the end, we'll be broke from these games too. To save some money, I'll help you hack your PSP for free homebrew and games. I'm only listing how to do it, not where to find the games. First, have a PSP and check the firmware on it. You do that by going into your system menu. If you have any firmware 3.5 and under, you can hack your PSP! Now, depending on what version you have, you might have to upgrade in order to downgrade. Right now, I'll only explain how you would hack a version 3.5 psp. So, you need to download some files. You will need the Update files of firmwares 1.5 and 3.5. After successfully downloading those files, you will need to buy a copy of Lumines. Currently, it is the most sought after item among PSP owners. This game in a game store costs close to $30 dollars used! Supply and demand makes the business world go around....I guess. Okay, now we need to download another file which is the 3.5 firmware downgrader. Included in the downgrader pack are a set of instructions which will further help you finish downgrading your PSP. Once your PSP is at 1.5 firmware, you will need to upgrade it using custom firmware. I'll have to write about that later because I have a test coming up tomorrow. Who needs business class anyways? Isn't it all common sense?
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